I find myself in an awkward position, and one that I would not be so frustrated about if I was working from home (see The home working myth). I am in a contract role, covering for maternity leave. Ever since I started, I have felt under-employed, and have frequently communicated this to the manager. The response is always along the same lines: you are covering a permanent position, and sometimes there are slack periods; try to use your time effectively and to the benefit of your current role.
I am admittedly used to such slack periods from my own previous permanent employment. The significant difference is that, in a permanent role, I usually have some higher function or objective on which I can spend some time. For example, I could review processes and procedures, update templates, think of new ways to improve the workflow. In my current role, there is no real mechanism that enables me to contribute to these areas of work, especially since those things appear to be done in the US rather than here in the UK. There is also only so much background reading and research that can be done to familiarise myself with the company products. For all these reasons, I am becalmed in the horse latitudes of the office.
I don’t know about you, but I am much more stressed when I am at work, but not working. I think it must be akin to survivor guilt. I see everyone else around me, apparently working hard, yet here I am wondering what to do. It does not help that I am in an exposed area, screen open to all, so that if I did try to do my own writing, it would be easily visible by all but the most cursory glance given by a passer-by, of which there are many during the day. I find myself opening up files so that I can pretend to work, then surreptitiously doing my own writing, ready to cover up at any time when I feel someone approaching. It would be much easier and less stressful if I had one of the prime positions facing into the office! I don’t feel guilty about taking their money; I have made my position clear far too often for that and it is their choice to leave me unoccupied for long periods of the week. I just wish I could earn my money, or at least be working from home, where I could use my slack time much more effectively, and build up “overtime” hours that I could give back to my employer in busy times.