SJL saw me through my 'O' levels, not that I found them difficult, but she gave me something to take my mind off the pressure that the school put on its pupils to perform well. When I started my 'A' levels, my first school report for chemistry said, "He appears to have lost some of his 'O' level spark." I had, because that was when SJL dumped me. When I thought about it, I wasn't surprised. Our range of interests did not overlap much and I did not have, and have never developed, a taste for parties and socialising, which she was beginning to do. I think she genuinely wanted to be friends, but it was more than I could bear, because so long as she continued to see me I always hoped, even expected, that sooner or later she would take me back. I remember the letter clearly, and the date: February 8th 1978. Did I mention that we wrote to each other as well as saw each other regularly? Well, every week for those two and a half years we wrote to each other. Maybe that is another reason she dumped me: letter fatigue. The letter just said we should stop going out together, but could we still be friends. I went for a very long cycle ride that evening and ended up somewhere halfway between London and Brighton, at dusk, with no lights on my bike, before I thought to turn round and go home. We did see each other for a few weeks after, but it was no good for me so I stopped. The agony did not end though. She still came to see her grandfather most weeks and I would stare out of my window whenever I was in, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. For years after, and I mean years, every time I saw her my pulse raced, my mouth went dry and I wanted to cry - sometimes I did. |